In November 2016, as I was packing up my stuff to head home from work, I downloaded couch to 5k and resolved to get started that night. 6 months later I had lost 100 pounds culminating in a half marathon. 6 months after that, I ran the New York Marathon in 3 hours and 35 minutes. These days I make a point of running long distances wherever I am, and I’ve experienced everywhere in a completely new way.

Interactive heatmap

Running By The Numbers

Data in Miles

Nov 2 2016 - Nov 10 2023


Work vs Pleasure


Where in the World

*USA less miles run at home (LA and NYC)

Other: Israel (40), China (39), UK (39), Bermuda (35), Sain Lucia (34), Norway (34), Italy (32.5), Argentina (28), Belgium (26), Costa Rica (26), Colombia (25), Sweden (24), Belize (23), UAE (23), Ecuador (22), Portugal (21), Austria (20), Australia (18), France (18), Dominican Rep (17), Denmark (14), Slovakia (14), Poland (14), Czechia (11), Jordan (10), Hungary (7), St Martin (6), Georgia (5), Peru (4), Turkey (3), St Barth (3)


Domestic Miles


Check out my latest runs


Interactive heatmap